Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - My Cottage Garden

This is the beginning of my Cottage Garden.   I love, love, love blue flowers!  I found a garden plan on-line but most of the plants are only sold in the UK, so I had to subsitute.  I can't wait for it to fill in!

Jebediah - Keeping things neat and tidy.
His Gnome Home
English Ivy
Hydrangea - "Blau Doneau"

  Columbine - "Blue Angel'

I Lost the tag for this one!

Spunkmeyer - Always playing!

 Fescue Grass - 'Elijah Blue"

Five Rosemary plants will create a background hedge.  "Tuscan Blue"
Bulbs:  Gladiolus x 12 - Violetta
            Iris x 6 - Deep Black
Still waiting for my Azurea - Electric Blue Summer Flowers

Fudwick and Lumbiddle looks like they have been hittin the sauce!


  1. These are just gorgeous what a beautiful garden ...

  2. Wow, five Rosemary plants, you'll be able to cook up a storm-enjoy:@)

  3. makes my heart grow younger.

  4. Love the hydrangeas and columbine!


Thank you for visiting!

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